Well, my summer certainly has been enjoyable but can I honestly say it's been productive? No...
No, I cannot say that my summer has been productive unless you count one single day of research and daily ponderings of a thesis topic that have yet come to fruition. My only excuse is that I am just a lowly MA student rather than a grand Ph.D. student. Okay, I admit it - that's a shitty excuse.
I imagine that Ph.D. students spend their summers being immensely productive. I cannot speak for my fellow MA students, but I know that once I have a thesis topic rolling I will not feel the slight twinge of guilt when I get the inevitable end-of-summer email from a professor that includes the phrase "productive summer."
Unless of course she simply meant "doing stuff" in a noncommittal tone....
Well if you ask me I think traveling the world qualifies as having a "productive sumer" :) Also playing scattergories and painting awesome unicorn boxes is highly productive in my opinion.