My TA-ship will be a bit busy, but not too bad. It has a lot more reading that I must keep up with than Western Civ (the class I TAed last semester), but much of the reading cross-lists with my Atlantic history course so not all is lost. I will get more out of it. Every Thursday Dr. M gives a weekly quiz, which I will grade in his office after class each week. The first set only took me about 20 minutes. Best news of all, I still get to give a lecture despite the furlough days. I was thinking that Dr. M might not want to give up a day to teach when he might have to give up a few, but nope! Any topic I want is mine, mine, mine.
Overall, my classes should be lively. Southern History only meets periodically while Atlantic History meets weekly. Lots of reading is involved, but that's the lot of a graduate student.
On another side....
It forever haunts me! While I was grading quizzes in Dr. M's office a fellow student of mine came in to discuss her academic plan with him. Although we're both set to graduate and apply to Ph.D. programs at the same time, she seems so much more together than I. She knows her paper topic for the class and her exact thesis topic. While I pretty much know my paper topic, I have yet to bring a thesis topic to fruition. Where's my muse?! Inspiration, hath thou forsaken me?
The only topic I have come up with in detail is to explore why pirates were glorified throughout the Atlantic World. Now how they were glorified, but why. I need to run that by Dr. M. I think that could be feasible. My other interests are gender and medicine so I am contemplating something along the lines of midwifery. My obstacle is coming up with an actual topic through that, so we'll see. It can get rather disheartening at times.
Daily Advice
Concerning theses? I have none. So all I have to say is DO YOUR READING!